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Full Mouth Restoration Options

Losing your teeth means losing your smile, your ability to eat and speak normally, and your confidence. There are a range of options depending on your needs and budget. We offer free consultations for any patient who is considering a full mouth treatment. We will do an exam with x-rays and present you with your various options for treatment and answer all of your questions. If you're considering a full mouth treatment, please schedule a free consultation with us.


3 on 6™

Invented in 2015 by Dr. Randy Roberts, the 3 on 6 treatment is the most advanced smile restoration treatment to date. It consists of three permanent bridges secured to six implants.


The 3 on 6™ is a truly permanent solution that doesn't need to be removed to be cleaned, ever. Standard brushing and flossing is all that is required. The teeth sit right against the natural gum line, making it function and feel like natural teeth in the user's mouth. The zirconia bridges are 5x stronger than other porcelain restorations, and when coupled with the six implants, the 3 on 6™ is designed to last a lifetime.


Our opinion is that the 3 on 6™ is the best smile restoration treatment available and should be the first option considered. We are the only licensed 3 on 6™ provider in Utah County. 


The All-on-4 is usually the most expensive restoration treatment option. It consists of a single restoration piece secured semi-permanently to four implants.


Often the All-on-4 needs to be removed for cleanings and to get food trapped under the restoration, which can be expensive. Since it is a large restoration, many dentists have to grind down the bone in the patient's mouth to allow an All-on-4 to fit. 


It is a good option for oral restoration, but the drawbacks should be understood.


An overdenture is a step up from the standard denture, in that it is essentially a denture that can be snapped onto two implants. This reduces the chance of it falling out of the mouth. 


It adds a level of stability which is convenient, but it still has many of the problems of a standard denture including bone deterioration, complications with eating and speaking, and maintenance. In addition, the implants can become worn down over time which may require them to be replaced in the future.


Dentures are a very common fix for people missing their teeth simply because they are usually the cheapest option. They provide a quick fix but create other problems such as difficulty eating, difficulty speaking, mouth soreness, gagging, and more.


Since they are so bulky, many people have a gag reflex when using a denture. In addition, without natural teeth or dental implants, the bone in the mouth deteriorates. Over time, a denture user's face will change shape and the denture will stop fitting, requiring glues to secure it in place. The daily maintenance can cause frustration and embarrassment.


For some people a denture is the only option because they already have significant bone loss or have a very limited budget. Our recommendation is that a denture should only be used when no other options are viable.

How it Works

Step 1: Free Consultation

Everything begins with a free consultation in our office. We will take scans of your mouth which we use to determine if you are a candidate for the 3 on 6™ or need another way of restoring your teeth. At this initial consultation, we will go over payment and financing options with you and determine if and when you would like to begin treatment.

Step 2: Implant and Dental Surgery

At the following appointment, the implant surgery will take place together with any other surgical interventions required to restore what have been lost. This can be done with local anesthesia or you can choose to be sedated. After this surgery, the implants will need to heal for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. During this time you will receive temporary teeth so that you are not toothless while you heal. Our dental lab will use scans of your teeth or pre-designed models to design your new smile. You will have input on the design including the shade of the teeth. Also, we will take care of any infections, pain, and bruising that might happen during this time and we need to do any root canals, crowns, veneers, or any other dental treatment we will provide it while implants are healing.

Step 3: Temporary Crowns and Bridges

If your Temporary bridges were not delivered at the time of surgery, then they will be fabricated after your implants are healed. These are made out of a lighter material and will serve as a test drive for the fit and color. After trying the bridges for few weeks the doctor will meet with you again to see if you’re happy with your smile or if you would like some adjustments. Based on your feedback, the Doctor may make some modifications to your bridges and orders finals with strong and long lasting zirconia material for restorations on dental implants and other porcelain materials on your teeth. These materials are much stronger then acrylic and doesn't chip like porcelain fused to metal

Step 4: Final Crowns and Bridges

Your final zirconia and porcelain crowns and bridges will be made by our dental lab specialists, based on the specifications from your Doctor. A final appointment will be scheduled in which the Doctor will place your final crowns and bridges and ensure that it meets all of your expectations. That's it, you're done! You can now bite into an apple, smile for that selfie, and smooch your significant other with confidence!


When you get a 3 on 6™ smile you can rest assured that you have the best smile available. In addition, we offer a limited lifetime guarantee that provides protection and confidence in your smile. This guarantee is unique in the dental world and we are able to offer it because we are so confident in the 3 on 6™ and other full-arch restorations you will receive.

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