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All-on-4, All-on-6, and All-on-X


Until the 3 on 6™ came along, the All-on-4 and All-on-X (where X can be a various number from 4 to 8) had been the dental restoration procedure of choice for edentulous patients (without teeth) or patients with hopeless teeth. We generally encourage patients who are pursuing a full mouth restoration to consider the 3 on 6™ but for some patients their level of bone loss disqualifies them as a candidate. In those cases, the Zirconia All-on-X bridge is the next best option because it can be placed in scenarios where the patient has already sustained significant bone loss.We typically do not remove any more bone for this unless it will be sharp and interfere with healing and esthetics after healing period.


Because we use much stronger material for out all-on-4 and all-on-X restorations we can made them as thin as your teeth and avoid addition of artificial gum when esthetics allow.


In some 3-on-6 cases Doctors can make a decision to keep the implants splinted even after a healing period of 4-6 months due to prosthetic or esthetic reasons.


To learn more, please watch the video below!

Full mouth smile restoration on implants

How it Works

Step 1: Free Consultation

Everything begins with a free consultation in our office. We will take scans of your mouth which we use to determine if you are a candidate for the 3 on 6™ or need another way of restoring your teeth. At this initial consultation, we will go over payment and financing options with you and determine if and when you would like to begin treatment.

Step 2: Implant and Dental Surgery

At the following appointment, the implant surgery will take place together with any other surgical interventions required to restore what have been lost. This can be done with local anesthesia or you can choose to be sedated. After this surgery, the implants will need to heal for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. During this time you will receive temporary teeth so that you are not toothless while you heal. Our dental lab will use scans of your teeth or pre-designed models to design your new smile. You will have input on the design including the shade of the teeth. Also, we will take care of any infections, pain, and bruising that might happen during this time and we need to do any root canals, crowns, veneers, or any other dental treatment we will provide it while implants are healing.

Step 3: Temporary Crowns and Bridges

If your Temporary bridges were not delivered at the time of surgery, then they will be fabricated after your implants are healed. These are made out of a lighter material and will serve as a test drive for the fit and color. After trying the bridges for few weeks the doctor will meet with you again to see if you’re happy with your smile or if you would like some adjustments. Based on your feedback, the Doctor may make some modifications to your bridges and orders finals with strong and long lasting zirconia material for restorations on dental implants and other porcelain materials on your teeth. These materials are much stronger then acrylic and doesn't chip like porcelain fused to metal

Step 4: Final Crowns and Bridges

Your final zirconia and porcelain crowns and bridges will be made by our dental lab specialists, based on the specifications from your Doctor. A final appointment will be scheduled in which the Doctor will place your final crowns and bridges and ensure that it meets all of your expectations. That's it, you're done! You can now bite into an apple, smile for that selfie, and smooch your significant other with confidence!

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